On-Demand Learning and Libraries for The FES Industry to

Close The Product Knowledge Gap

Get the training platform that reaches thousands of industry professionals
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Interactive Courses for Building Expertise

Micro Lessons for JIT Learning

Training Courses
Instructional Design & Course Development

Don’t Let Poor Training Hold You Back

Without product-specific training, FES professionals can’t perform. So your business can’t perform…

Your salespeople will perform poorly

You’ll struggle with first-time fix-rates

You’ll fail to develop new recruits

Your growth will be limited

Your brand reputation will suffer

You’ll continue to be frustrated about training

Stop relying on poorly trained people. Start using FSGenius to train them all and watch your business grow.

FSGenius Is the System You Need to Take Your Training to the Next Level

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Deploy Factory Training Programs

Courses and certifications to build brand-specific expertise.


Deliver Just-in-Time Learning

Micro lessons on-demand for real-time problem-solving.

Cloud Publishing

Distribute Product Resources

Cloud-based documents and videos for self-sufficiency in the field.

How it Works


Publish Your Materials

"Courses and Job
Enabling Content"


Train Your Partners

"Service and


Grow Your Business

"Increase Brand

Like You, We Have Long Been Frustrated by Insufficient Training in Our Industry.


We’re the only training platform built specifically for the FES Industry


We have 10 years of industry experience


Dozens of Industry leaders support us



Publish your factory training and resources to your dealers and authorized networks.



For Technicians and Sales Reps - Get full access to all training and library content.

Course Development Services

Turn your existing training videos and presentations into interactive courses.

Stop Wasting Training Dollars

Give Your Partners the Tools and Training They Need

All FES manufacturers rely on thousands of salespeople. Equipment manufacturers also rely on thousands of technicians. In-person factory training can only reach a small fraction of these people. By using FSGenius to provide factory training programs online, you'll reach everyone, know who has been trained, and grow your business faster. 

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